Everything in creation is made of vibration.
Primordial Sounds are the vibrations of the universe. In silent meditation, Primordial Sound mantras are used as a tool to disconect us from the activity of our mind and our busy lives.
During this afternoon of internal and external sound, we will take the mind from the active level to deeper levels of the thinking process into moments of silence where we will reconnect to our essential self. It’s in this silence where we find the birthplace of happiness, creativity, and infinite possibilities.
Silent mantra meditation is an effortless practice for rediscovering the body’s own inner wisdom. Practiced for thousands of years, meditation is not about forcing the mind to be quiet; it’s about finding the silence that’s already there and making it a part of your life. Meditation is a journey to the center of our very being where we rediscover our essential selves.
Susan Ellis, Chopra Meditation Teacher, will lead you in a guided silent mantra meditation to rediscover self. Whether you’re new to meditation or a seasoned meditator, guided mantra meditation is easy and effortless.
Following the guided mantra meditation, Travis Rumsey, Sound Journey Creator, will continue your journey to inner silence and connection with your powerful self through the sounds of singing bowls and gongs.
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